

Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It's almost like getting a tattoo. You think and you think and you think and you think before you get one. And once you get one, it sticks with you hard and deep.

~ Divortiare, a novel by Ika Natassa

heeee kok gue jadi kaya promosi buku gini HAHA tapi oke kok baca aja cuma sudut pandang orang dewasa gitusih ga teenlit-an bgt.

betulan gue sekarang bored sm cerita novel teenlit kaya yah you know lah. inti ceritanya mirip semua tapi asik haha guilty pleasure. jadi sekarang gue prefer buku tebel metropop atoga novel terjemahan tapi gue ga suka meg cabot he sorry

yg gue suka ya fiction and fantasi teruus lah sampe kapan tau. apalagi model 100% imagination gitu, harry potter dunks. taudeh udah jaman kapan harry potter tapiiii die hard fans tidak kenal waktu hahah. cuma bukan yg freak gituya ngefansnya wakak

udah ah kok jadi ngebahas buku gini dadah!

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