
Stressfully stressed, depressed, ....and obsessed

Hell no, my phone is dead. AGAIN.

Since his first death in the night of June 22nd, and reborn at June 25th, he's all fine. Well yes, he had been through so many crash but he survived.

The last time of the death of my bb was that Wednesday, I was having dinner at Sumo Sushi with.. that person. And the not-that-smart phone was rebooting again and again but always stopped at one point, couldn't complete the work. So stressed. But ...that person killed the depressed. I couldn't reach my mom and asked her where she was so I could come and go home with her. Jadi dianter pulang.. And my parents wasn't home already! Mau ngga mau kita nunggu di mobil sekitar setengah jam or 45menit. That was minutes with sweet talks, stupid conversations, sweet talks again, dreadful jokes, sweet talks (oh did I mention this before?), jokes again, and the warmest hug. Everybody love being hugged, don't say no. And the forehead kisses. YES BABY even bitches love forehead kisses. Sampe akhirnya nyokap bokap sampe rumah. End of the pretty cold night.

....and my phone was still dead.
Sms ke hp nyokap "Aku udah di rumah" cukup buat bikin tidur gue nyenyak. Uhhh i can't believe I'm such a fool writing this shit. But sometimes fools have the greatest life. So don't underestimate them. Us. No, them. I'm not a fool.

July 23rd. Gue bangun jam sebelas pagi (atau siang, didn't really care, that was holiday) karena telfon dari Rara. Suaranya agak2 lega gimana gitu pas gue ngangkat dan bilang baru bangun.
"Gila deh di semua orang nyariin blablablabla gabisa dihubungin blablabla kirain ilang blabla"
"Kenapa pada nyariin....?", I thought I'm not the type of person yg dicari-cariin orang kaya gitu sepagi ini (iya gue masih nganggep jam 11 itu pagi).
"Katanya kamu mau nonton futsal di Soemantri jam 8? Makanya dicariin orang2 kirain ilang di jalan."
"Oh.", damn gue lupa janji kemaren mau nonton futsal Astrolabs.. jam 8 di GOR Soemantri. Pantes.
Terus gue buka twitter, ada mention dari Paras.
Iya....ternyata segitunya....sampe pasang pm dan kata jasmine bocah brengsek satu itu hampir bmin orang2 hahahah. Orang gila juga seneng kalo ada yg nyariin kaya gitu. Ahahahha one moment in time.
"Kamu kemana aja sih gue kira lo ilang abis kata orang2 kamu ke soemantri terus kan kebiasaan suka jalan2 sendirian takutnya pas lagi naik busway atau apa diculik orang gimana mana ditelfon gabisa ditanyain ke temen2 kamu pada gatau gimana ngga panik terus akhirnya aku disuruh coba telfon ke rumah aja ternyata baru bangun sialan lo ya.", kira2 kaya gitu deh ngomongnya pas nelfon. Beneran panjang lebar. Nafas bang nafas...
"Ya kamu pake pasang pm kaya gitu orang2 jadi ikutan panik tau."
"Abisnya gimana. Yaudah kamu ke rumah aku ya ini ada *beep* dan *beep*. Mau jalan. Kan kita anniv.", ....eh iya. Tanggal 23. 4 bulanan. Maaf aku tadinya lupa pantesan aja dicariin... :")

Then I spent the rest of the 23rd of June with a permanent smile tattoed on my face. Doubledate nonton Insidious. Walau sama2 takutan nonton film setan. Pertama, dan mungkin terakhir kalinya gue nonton horor bareng. We ended up watching our own palm. Alias tutup mata sepanjang film. Nevertheless, we owned the night. Dan mengulang hari kemarennya, dia nganter gue balik di jam yang sama tapi untung nyokap bokap skrg udah ada di rumah. A short trip across the town (yeaa rumah gue di luar kota. Bekasi, tepatnya. Kalo masih bisa dibilang 'luar kota' :P) with Three Cheers for Five Years-nya Mayday Parade. Itu lagu gue yg ngasih potongan liriknya ke dia. Terus abis itu kayanya di download. Sebenernya gue mau ngupload lagunya tapi shit happens uploading failed. Gue kasih lirik aja.

I swear that you don't have to go
I thought we could wait for the fireworks
I thought we could wait for the snow
To wash over Georgia and kill the hurt
I thought I could live in your arms
And spend every moment I had with you
Stay up all night with the stars
Confess all the faith that I had in you (I had in you)

Too late, I'm sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words, so sing along for me, baby

For heaven's sake I know you're sorry
But you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know I'm dying
With my heart beside me
In shattered pieces that may never be replaced
And if I died right now you'd never be the same

I thought with a month of apart
Together would find us an opening
And moonlight would provide the spark
And that I would stumble across the key
Or break down the door to your heart
Forever could see us - not you and me
And you'd help me out of the dark
And I'd give my heart as an offering

Too late, I'm sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words, so sing along for me, baby

For heaven's sake I know you're sorry
But you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know I'm dying
With my heart beside me
In shattered pieces that may never be replaced
And if I died right now you'd never be the same

And I will always remember you as you are right now to me
And I will always remember you now, remember you now

Sleep alone tonight with no one here just by your side
Sleep alone tonight

How does he feel, how does he kiss?
How does he taste while he's on your lips?
How does he feel, how does he kiss?
How does he taste while he's on your lips?
How does he feel, how does he kiss?
How does he taste while he's on your lips?
How does he feel, how does he kiss?

I can't forget you
I know you want me to want you
I want to
But I can't forget you
So when this is over don't blow your composure, baby
I can't forget you
I know you want me to want you I want to
But I can't forget you
So when this is over don't blow your composure, baby
I can't forget you
I know you want me to want you, I want too

At this time, 6 months after, I'm listening carefully to the song. "
This anniversary may never be the same"

Hey... gue kan bukan mau cerita soal itu sebelumnya :'""" Mestinya tentang the death of my blackberry riteee? Tapi lately I realized, ternyata bb gue mati karna belom dicharge. You have rights to kill me ;p

XOXO, babygirl.

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